Advanced Bindery Library Exchange








Reference Guide






Volume 15


Billing Statistics











Version 6.6.1

June 9, 2003






ABLEä Ventures, LLC



Copyright by ABLEä Ventures, LLC


This reference guide is copyrighted and all rights are reserved.  This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced translated, reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from the ABLEä Ventures, LLC.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The ABLEä Ventures, LLC assumes no responsibility for errors that may appear in this document.


For more information visit the ABLEä web site:

Or contact,

ABLEä Ventures, LLC

c/o Paul Parisi

ACME Bookbinding

100 Cambridge Street

Charlestown, MA  02129

 (800) 242-1821


For technical support contact:


Programming Concepts, Inc.


web site:     


telephone:              631-563-3800 x230

fax:                       631-563-3898



ABLEä Ventures, LLC

Acme Bookbinding

Information Conservation, Inc.

Kater-Crafts Bookbinders

Lehmann Bookbinding

Mekatronics Inc.

National Library Binding of Georgia

Ocker & Trapp Library Bindery Inc.

Programming Concepts, Inc.




ABLEä is a trademark of Mekatronics, Inc. / Bendror International Inc. 1987-2001



Table of Contents


1.  Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1   ABLE Library Work Flow............................................................................................................. 7

1.2   ABLE Bindery Work Flow............................................................................................................ 9

2.   Billing Statistics History File.............................................................................................................. 10

3.   Billing And Costing File Maintenance................................................................................................. 11

3.1   Cost............................................................................................................................................... 11

3.2   Bill................................................................................................................................................. 13

4.   Billing Reports................................................................................................................................... 16

4.1   Lot Costing (Detail) Report................................................................................................... 16

Binding.................................................................................................................................................... 17

Lettering................................................................................................................................................. 17

Measurement........................................................................................................................................... 17

Extra/Specials.......................................................................................................................................... 17

4.1.1   Library Lot (Detail) Costing Report............................................................................................... 22

4.1.2  Bindery Lot (Detail) Costing Report............................................................................................... 22

4.2   Lot Costing (Summary) Report............................................................................................... 22

4.2.1  Library Lot (Summary) Costing Report........................................................................................... 22

4.2.2  Bindery Lot (Summary) Costing Report........................................................................................... 22

4.3   Lot Binding Statistics............................................................................................................. 22

4.3.1   Library Lot Binding Statistics....................................................................................................... 22

4.3.2   Bindery Lot Binding Statistics....................................................................................................... 23

4.4   Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics.................................................................................... 23

4.4.1   Library Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics Report.......................................................................... 23

4.4.2   Bindery Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics Report......................................................................... 23

4.5   Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics............................................................................... 23

4.5.1   Library Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics Report..................................................................... 23

4.5.2   Bindery Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics Report..................................................................... 24

Appendix A  -  Report Examples............................................................................................................... 25



Release Notes



V6.0                  Preliminary release for review.

V6.01                Changes for ABLEä release 6.01.

V6.02                Changes for ABLEä release 6.02.

V6.4                  Changed copyright.






The ABLEä Reference Guide is comprised of multiple volumes.  The collection of volumes describes the functional and operational characteristics of ABLEä.  The volumes are:                     




Reference Guide

File Name





Library User



User Interface



Title Composition



Text Fit Style Guide






Bindery Control Services



File Maintenance



Bindery Transfer



Embosser Control






Billing Statistics



Preventive Maintenance



System 3 Services



Library Installation



Bindery Installation















File Import Service








1.  Introduction


This volume describes the basic Library Statistic's reports and work flows within the library and bindery.


The objective of the Library Statistics services is to provide statistics and cost information needed by libraries to understand their binding costs.  A secondary objective is to assist the bindery in preparing their invoices to the library.


The statistics are maintained by both the library and the bindery.  The library is able to generate estimated Lot binding costs and the bindery, actual Lot binding costs.


The Lot Costing Report, which includes both statistics and costs, is used by the bindery to generate data needed by the accounting department to create an invoice to be sent with the shipment.


The Lot Binding Statistics Report displays the actual binding costs for a selected Lot.  The Monthly Binding Statistics Report displays the number of  volumes and the "actual" binding costs for a selected month and year-to-date statistics.


The basic work flow is given below.




1.1   ABLE Library Work Flow


The work flow is summarized as follows:





a.       Schedule Work For a Bindery


·       Create a Lot of volumes for binding


·       Produce a floppy diskette for the Lot (if an ABLEä Bindery binder.


·       Generate a Lot Costing Report (estimated cost)



b.      Check In Work From a Bindery


·       Restore floppy diskette for the Lot (if ABLEä Bindery binder)


·       Manually update the binding costs with actual costs (if not an ABLEä Bindery binder or a correction is needed).


·       Generate a Lot Binding Statistics Report


·       Generate a Monthly Binding Statistic Report



The library creates a Lot of volumes for binding.  If the binder uses ABLEä Bindery, the library will produce a floppy diskette with the Lot(s).  The volumes for binding are then sent to the binder.


The library can then generate a Lot Costing Report (estimated costs) by selecting the report from the Report program.  The report provides the library with statistics and estimated costs for the binding of a selected Lot.  The estimated costs will be saved in a Billing Statistics History file when the report is executed.


When the work is returned from the binder, the Billing Statistics History file can be updated.  If the binder uses ABLEä Bindery, the billing statistics are automatically  updated when the Lot is restored from the floppy diskette.  This scenario assumes the bindery provides actual costs.  If the costs differ from the invoice (because the binder did not update the costs), the library can manually update the saved data.


If the binder does not use ABLEä Bindery, the library can manually enter the actual binding costs from the invoice.

Once the database is updated, the library may generate a Lot Binding Statistics Report which displays the actual binding costs for the selected Lot.


The library may also generate a Monthly Binding Statistic Report from the Report program.  The monthly binding statistics report displays the number of volumes and actual binding cost for the current month and year-to-date statistics. 


Note:    The report may be executed for a particular Binder.  The report may also be executed for a particular Account.  The starting month for the fiscal year is a configuration parameter.



1.2   ABLE Bindery Work Flow


The work flow is summarized as follows:




a.       Receiving Work From a Library


·       Restore floppy diskettes with Lot(s)

·       Process the work

·       Run the new Automatic Lot Processing service

·       Generate a Lot Costing Report ("actual")

·       Manually generate an invoice

·       Update the Lot costing with actual cost, if necessary

·       Generate a Lot Binding Statistics Report, if necessary

·       Generate a Monthly Binding Statistic Report, if necessary



b.      Returning Work To the Library


·       Produce the floppy diskettes



The bindery restores the Lot from the floppy diskette and processes the Lot.  When the work is completed, the Automatic Lot Processing service is executed.  This process automatically generates a Lot Costing Report with "actual" costs.  The data generated by this report is saved in the Billing Statistics History file.  The binder uses this report to manually generate an invoice to be sent to the library with the shipment.


If there are any discrepancies that exist between the invoice and the Lot Costing Report, the binder can manually update the Lot costing data in the Billing Statistics History file.


The binder may then generate a Lot Binding Statistics Report from the Report program.  The bindery then produces floppy diskettes.  The billing information is saved on diskette and transferred to the library's Billing Statistics History file during library restore process.


The bindery may also generate a Monthly Binding Statistic Report from the Report program.  The Monthly Binding Statistics Report displays the number of volumes and binding cost for the current month, and year-to-date statistics for a selected account.  The starting month for the fiscal year is a configuration parameter.



2.   Billing Statistics History File


A Billing Statistics History file is maintained at the library and bindery.  If the Account record dept_sort flag is set, the data is saved by department; i.e., one record per department in the Lot.  Otherwise, one record is created for the entire Lot.  The Billing data saved includes:


·       Account Id

·       Binder Id

·       Lot Id

·       Purge

·       Invoice #

·       Date Processed - (date used in monthly report)

·       Department

·       Number of Volumes in Hold Job (not processed)

·       Number of Volumes Processed

·       Number/Cost/Extra Cost for Each Class

·       Number/Cost for Each Leaf Attachment

·       Number/Minutes/Cost for Each Extra/Special

·       Number/Cost for No Trim

·       Number/Cost for Non-Standard Cover Color

·       Number/Cost for Volumes With CALL

·       Number/Cost for Extra Call Lines

·       Number/Cost for Volumes With Imprints

·       Number/Cost for Extra Imprint Lines

·       Number/Cost for Volumes With Extra Horizontal Text

·       Number/Cost for Extra Horizontal Text Lines

·       Number/Cost for Volumes With Extra Vertical Text

·       Number/Cost for Extra Vertical Title Lines

·       Number/Cost for Each Increment Over the Board Height

·       Number/Cost for Each Increment Over the Board Width

·       Number/Cost for Each Increment Over the Spine Width

·       Base Cost

·       Extra Cost

·       Manual Adjustment

·       Total Cost




It is recommended that there is only one department per Lot.  When manually updating the binding statistics, if there is more than one department in a Lot, the user must have the capability of dividing the cost of a single Lot amongst the departments.


3.   Billing And Costing File Maintenance


The associated File Maintenance services (refer to the File Maintenance volume for a description of the file maintenance services) are:


·       Cost


·       Bill



These services are described in this section.



3.1   Cost


The Cost file is comprised of binding cost records.  The records are associated with Binder Id's allowing each Binder record to have different costing data.  Binder records can be considered as contracts.  A bindery may have different contracts for each account.  When multiple accounts have the same contracted costs, then only one Binder record is needed for those accounts.


The fields displayed by selecting the COST alternative menu selection are:



Binder ID

The Binder Id to modify or create. 

Note:  Use ® and ¬ to view the next and previous Binder Id’s.



The Class code and its associated cost.  The class's cost is considered the base cost for the binding of a volume. 


Leaf Attachment

The Leaf Attachment code and the associated extra charge for a volume with the specified leaf attachment.



The Extra/Special code and the associated extra charge for a volume with the specified extra/special.  If there is a time associated with the extra/special, then this cost represents the extra charge per minute else it represents the extra charge per volume.


No Trim

The extra charge for a volume with no trim.


Non-Standard Cover    

The extra charge for a volume with a cover color that differs from the class's cover color.


Volumes With Call

The extra charge for a volume with call lines.


Extra Call Lines

The extra charge per call line over the contracted amount.


Volumes With Imprint

The extra charge for a volume with imprint lines.


Extra Imprint Lines

The extra charge per imprint line over the contracted amount.

Volumes With Extra Horizontal

The extra charge for a volume with horizontal title text lines over the contracted amount.


Extra Horz. Title Lines            

The extra charge per horizontal title text line over the contracted amount.

Volumes With Extra Vertical Text

The extra charge for a volume with vertical title text lines over the contracted amount.  The contracted amount is the number of vertical title text lines defined in the Binder's contract and in addition, the number of extra vertical lines included for the volume's binding class.


Extra Vert. Title Lines

The extra charge per vertical title text line over the contracted amount.  The contracted amount is the number of vertical title text lines defined in the Binder's contract and in addition, the number of extra vertical lines included for the volume's binding class.


Board Height  Over

The extra charge per increment over the contracted board height.


Board Width Over

The extra charge per increment over the contracted board width.


Spine Width Over

The extra charge per increment over the contracted spine width.




















3.2   Bill


The Bill file is comprised of billing statistic records.  These records contain the costing information for a specific Account's Lot.  There is a record for each Department within the specified Lot.


The Bill service allows billing records to be created, retrieved, modified and saved.


The cost for each billable unit is a display only field.  The cost is automatically calculated based on the quantity entered.


The fields displayed by selecting the BILL alternative menu selection are:




The Lot Id and department associated with the displayed binding statistics and costs.  Note:  Use ® and ¬ to view the next and previous Department information.



The Account Id that created the Lot.



The Binder Id of the binding contract associated with the displayed billing.



The invoice identification.


Date Processed            

The date the invoice was processed;   i.e., created.


Volumes Not Processed

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department that were not processed at the bindery.  For example, items in       the HOLD Job are not processed. 


Volumes Processed     

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department that were processed at the bindery.


Base Cost

The base cost for all the volumes in  the current Lot and department.  The base cost is determined by the volume's class.  Note, the base cost cannot be updated directly.  The base cost will automatically be adjusted when a class's cost is modified.


Extra Cost

The extra cost for all the volumes in the current Lot and department.   

Note:  this field cannot be updated directly.  The extra cost will automatically be adjusted when a change is made to a detailed extra cost field.


Manual Adjustment

The difference between the total cost and the combined base.and extra cost.    This field is automatically adjusted when the user updates the total cost directly without updating the detailed costs.


Total Cost

The total binding cost for all the volumes in the current Lot and Department.  This field can be updated both manually and automatically.  It will be automatically updated when a change is made to a detailed cost field; i.e., any of the fields that follows.



The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with the specified binding class and the base cost and total extra costs for those volumes.


Leaf Attachment

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with the specified leaf attachment and the extra charge incurred.



The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with the specified extra/special and the extra charge incurred.


No Trim

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with no trim and the extra charge incurred.


Non-Standard Cover

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with a cover color that differs from its class's cover color and the extra charge incurred.


Volumes With Call

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with call lines and the extra charge incurred.


Extra Call         Lines

The number of call lines over the contracted amount for all volumes in the current Lot and department and the extra charge incurred.


Volumes With Imprint 

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with imprint lines and the extra charge incurred.


Extra Imprint Lines

The number of imprint lines over the contracted amount for all the volumes in the current Lot and department and the extra charge incurred.


Volumes With Extra Horizontal Text                         

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with horizontal title text lines over the contracted amount and the extra charge incurred.

Extra Horz. Title Lines

The number of horizontal title text lines over the contracted amount for all the volumes in the current Lot and department and the extra charge incurred.


Volumes With Extra Vertical Text

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with vertical title text lines over the contracted amount and the extra charge incurred.  The contracted amount is the number of vertical title text lines defined in the Binder's contract and in addition, the number of extra vertical lines included for the volumes' binding class.


Extra Vert. Title Lines             

The number of vertical title text lines over the contracted amount for all the volumes in the current Lot and department and the extra charge incurred.  The contracted amount is the number of vertical title text lines defined in the Binder's contract and in addition, the number of extra vertical lines included for the volumes' binding class.


Board Height Over

The number of volumes in the  current Lot and department with a  board height "n" increments over the contracted amount and the extra charge incurred.


Board Width Over

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with a board width "n" increments over the contracted amount and  the extra charge incurred.


Spine Width Over

The number of volumes in the current Lot and department with a spine width "n" increments over the contracted amount and the extra charge incurred.



4.   Billing Reports


Five special billing statistics reports are provided:


    1.  Lot (Detail) Costing Report

    2.  Lot (Summary) Costing Report

    3.  Lot Binding Statistics Report

    4.  Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics Report

    5.  Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics Report



The Lot (Detail/Summary) Costing Reports and the Lot Binding Statistics Report cannot be generated for purged Lots.


These reports are selected from the ABLEä Report program.  Following is a description of the five reports.



4.1   Lot Costing (Detail) Report


The Lot Costing (Detail) Report displays calculated binding statistics for a selected Lot.  If the Account record Dept Sort (dept_sort) field is set, the items in the Lot will be separated into departments. The Lot Costing report is sorted by department/class/text.





If the Dept Sort field is not set, the Lot Costing report is sorted by class/text.


The Lot Costing Report is used at the Library to calculate the estimated costs for a particular Lot and at the Bindery to calculate the "actual" costs.  The calculated statistics are saved in the Billing Statistics History File.


How is the cost of a volume calculated?


The cost of a volume is calculated by adding the base price of the volume to any extra costs incurred; i.e.,


    total cost  =   base cost + extra cost.



The Base cost of a volume is the price of the volume's class which is stated in the Binder's contract data.


The Extra costs may be incurred by any of the following:



      Leaf attachments

      Non-standard cover color



     Call Number

     Extra Call Lines


     Extra Imprint Lines

     Extra Horizontal Text

     Extra Horizontal Title Lines

     Extra Vertical Text

     Extra Vertical Title Lines



      Over Board Height

      Over Board Width

      Over Spine Width




     Pocket Cloth




NOTES:           1.          The above extras may or may not have costs associated with them.


                         2.          Volumes with a "no touch" class are ONLY charged the base price; i.e., the price of the class specified in the Cost record.  These volumes do NOT incur any extra charge.



The Lot Costing heading consists of the following fields:


Date the report was generated

Report name

Page number

Lot Id

Binder Id

Account Id



The Lot Costing detail section consists of the following fields:


Item                                     Item number within the lot.   A question mark appearing after the item number is a warning that the printed figures might not be accurate because the item has either not been text-fitted and released, or the item has been modified after being text-fitted.


Set                                        Number of copies for binding.


 Title                                    Title record the item was created from.


 Job Id                                 Bindery Job in which the item was processed.



 Piece                                   Bindery piece number within the job in which the item was processed.



Hght                                   Board Height.  An '*' will precede the measurement if the board height is beyond  the contract height in the Binder Record.


Width                                  Board Width.  An '*' will precede the measurement if the board width is beyond the contract width in the Binder Record.


Spine                                 Spine Width.  An '*' will precede the measurement if the spine width is beyond the contract spine width in the Binder Record.


T                                       Trim.  An 'N' will be displayed if any of the trim top, trim bottom or trim front fields have a value of zero (no trim specified).  Otherwise, a 'Y' will be displayed.


CEx                                  Call Lines.  A 'c' denotes the presence of call line(s) and a two digit number may follow the 'c' to indicate the number of call lines over the contract call lines in the Binder Record.  (e.g., c = Call line(s) present c05 = 5 Call lines over contract)


IEx                                   Imprint Lines.  An 'i' denotes the presence of imprint line(s) and a two digit number may follow the 'i' to indicate the number of imprint lines over the contract imprint lines in the Binder Record.  (e.g., i   = Imprint line(s) present  i05 = 5 Imprint lines over contract)


Hx                                    Extra Horizontal Title Lines.  A two digit number indicating the number of horizontal title lines exceeding the contract amount specified in the Binder Record.


Vx                                     Extra Vertical Title Lines.  A two digit number indicating the number of vertical title lines exceeding the contract amount specified in the Binder Record.  The number of extra vertical lines in the volume's binding class is included in the contract price.  An '*' will precede the two digit number if the volume had vertical lines and the volume's binding class included extra vertical lines in the contract.


Cl                                       Class.


Ct                                       Category.


Lf                                       Leaf Attachment.


Cvr                                     Cover Color.  (The first three characters of the cover color is displayed).  An '*' will precede the cover color if the cover color differs from the class's cover color.


F                                         Foil Color. (The first character of the foil is displayed).


Text                                   Title Text.



The Lot Costing report contains two summary sections, a Department Costing Summary and a Lot Costing Summary.  A Department Costing Summary is printed for each department in the Lot (if the Account's Dept Sort field is set).


The summary section consists of the following fields:


 Volumes in                         Total number of volumes in the Hold Job.

 Hold Job                           



Volumes Processed            Total number of volumes processed and the base price for those volumes.


Class                                   The number of volumes with each different class and the estimated cost for each.


Leaf Attachments               The number of volumes with each different leaf attachment and the estimated cost for each.


No Trim                               Total number of volumes with no trim and the estimated cost.


Non-Standard Cover

Color                                   The number of volumes that have a cover color that differs from the class's cover color and the estimated cost.


Volumes with CALL           The total number of volumes with call numbers and the estimated cost.


Extra CALL Lines              The total number of call lines over the contracted amount for all the volumes listed and the estimated cost.


Volumes with

Imprints                              The total number of volumes with imprint lines and the estimated cost.


Extra Imprint

 Lines                                  The total number of imprint lines over the contracted amount for all the volumes listed and the estimated cost.


Volumes with                      The total number of volumes with extra horizontal title

Extra Horz. Text                 lines and the estimated cost.


Extra Horz. Title                 The total number of horizontal title lines Lines over the contracted amount for all the volumes listed and the estimated cost.


Volumes with                      The total number of volumes with extra vertical title lines and

Extra Vert. Text                 the estimated cost.


Extra Vert. Title                 The total number of vertical title lines Lines over the contracted amount for all the volumes listed and the estimated cost.


Board Height                      The number of volumes with board heights over the contract height and the estimated cost.  The volumes will be grouped by ascending ranges of extra board height  values inclusive.


Board Width                        The number of volumes with board widths over the contract width and the estimated cost.  The volumes will be grouped by ascending ranges of extra board width  values inclusive.


Spine Width                         The number of volumes with spine widths over the contract spine width and the estimated cost.  The volumes will be grouped by ascending ranges of extra spine width values inclusive.


Extra Charges                     The number of volumes for each special note and the estimated cost for each special.  Extra/specials with 0 cost are not printed.



4.1.1   Library Lot (Detail) Costing Report


The Library Lot (Detail) Costing Report layout is given in Figure 1 and Figure 2.  Figure 1 is the report layout if bill by department is set in the Account record and combine round/flat leaf attachments are not set in the Binder record.  Figure 2 is the report layout if bill by department is not set and combine round/flat leaf attachments are set.



4.1.2  Bindery Lot (Detail) Costing Report


The Bindery Lot (Detail) Costing Report is similar to the Library Lot (Detail) Costing Report with the exception of the following additional fields: Job Id and Piece.



4.2   Lot Costing (Summary) Report


The Lot Costing (Summary) Report displays calculated binding statistics for a selected Lot.  This report consists of the Department and Lot Summary sections of the Lot Costing (Detail) Report.


There are two different report: Library and Bindery.



4.2.1  Library Lot (Summary) Costing Report


The Library Lot (Summary) Costing Report layout is given in Figure 3 and Figure 4.  Figure 3 is the report layout if bill by department is set in the Account record and combine round/flat leaf attachments are not set in the Binder record.  Figure 4 is the report layout if bill by department is not set and combine round/flat leaf attachments are set.



4.2.2  Bindery Lot (Summary) Costing Report


The Bindery Lot (Summary) Costing Report is similar to the Library Lot (Summary) Costing Report with the exception of the following additional field: Volumes in the Hold Job.



4.3   Lot Binding Statistics


The Lot Binding Statistics displays the "actual" binding costs for a selected Lot.


There are two different report: Library and Bindery.



4.3.1   Library Lot Binding Statistics


The Library Lot Binding Statistics layout is given in Figure 5.



4.3.2   Bindery Lot Binding Statistics


The Bindery Lot Binding Statistics is identical to the layout of the Library Lot Binding Statistics.



4.4   Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics


The Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics displays "actual" binding costs for a selected month and year.  Year-to-date binding statistics are also displayed.


There are two different report: Library and Bindery.



4.4.1   Library Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics Report


The Report may be generated for a selected Binder and/or Account(v3.2c).  If the Binder field is left blank, the statistics for all Binders will be combined.  If the Account field is left blank, the statistics for all Accounts will be combined.  Note, the year-to- date binding statistics are based on the Library's fiscal-year-end.  The Library Monthly (Detail) Statistic Report layout is given in  Figure 6.



4.4.2   Bindery Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics Report


The Report may be generated for a selected Account.  If the Account field is left blank, the statistics for all Accounts will be combined.  Note, the year-to-date binding statistics are based on the Binder's fiscal-year-end.  The Bindery Monthly (Detail) Statistic Report layout is given in Figure 7.



4.5   Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics


The Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics displays "actual"  binding costs for a selected month and year.  Year-to-date binding statistics are also displayed.


There are two different report: Library and Bindery.



4.5.1   Library Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics Report


The Report may be generated for a selected Binder and/or Account(v3.2c).  If the Binder field is left blank, the statistics for all Binders will be combined.  If the Account field is left blank, the statistics for all Accounts will be combined.  Note, the  year-to-date binding statistics are based on the Library's fiscal-year-end.  The Library Monthly (Summary) Statistic Report layout is given in  Figure 8.



4.5.2   Bindery Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics Report


The Report may be generated for a selected Account.  If the Account field is left blank, the statistics for all Accounts will be combined.  Note, the year-to-date binding statistics are based on the Binder's fiscal-year-end.  The Bindery Monthly (Summary) Statistic Report layout is given in  Figure 9.


Appendix A  -  Report Examples


                                Figure 1


14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Detail) Costing                    Page 1


Lot ID: 03-14-90                           Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                                                Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.




 Item Set  Title  Hght  Width Spine  T  CEx IEx  Hx Vx Cl Ct  Lf  Cvr F Text


 0001   1  000001 *11-1  4-0   1-0   Y  c               01 02  OR  661 W Amer...

 0003  10  000029 *7-1   3-8  *1-10  N  c01             01 01  OR *190 G Amer...


 0004   1  000020 *10-6  4-0  *2-0   N  c02      01     01 02  AR  661 W Euro...

 0002   2  000103 *10-2 *5-1  *1-10  N      i01  03 *01 01 02  AF  661 W Scie...

 0010   1  000105  5-0  *5-2  *1-2   N  c02      01     02 01  AF  661 W Euro...

 0011   1  000201  6-0  *6-0  *2-0   N  c               02 01  AF *190 G Phil...

 0012   1  000094  6-0   4-0   1-0   Y  c            02 02 02  AF *190 G Phil...

 0009   1  000104 *10-3  4-0   1-0   N      i01  03     02 01  AF  661 W Scie...



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Detail) Costing                    Page 2


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.



                       Department(Music ) Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed           8        18      ----    ----



          01 Custom                   4        14      5.00   70.00

          02 Standard                 4         4      4.00   16.00



          AF                          5         6      0.00    0.00

          AR                          1         1      2.00    2.00

          OR                          2        11      3.00   33.00



          No Trim                     6        16      1.00   16.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    3        12      0.90   10.80

          Volumes With Call           6        15      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            5        14      0.75   10.50

          Volumes With Imprints       2         3      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         2         3      1.00    3.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    4         5      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines     8        11      0.50    5.50

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    2         3      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     3         4      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

              7-1/8   to  8-0/8       1        10      0.20    2.00

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       3         4      0.50    2.00

             11-1/8   to 12-0/8       1         1      0.60    0.60

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       3         4      0.20    0.80

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      5        15      0.10    1.50



           0 PM-POCKET MUSIC          1        10      1.00   10.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                         183.70



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Detail) Costing                    Page 3


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.




 Item Set  Title  Hght  Width Spine  T  CEx IEx  Hx Vx Cl Ct  Lf  Cvr F Text


 0006   1  000105  5-0  *5-2  *1-2   N  c02      01    02 01  AF  661 W Euro...


 0007   1  000201  6-0  *6-0  *2-0   N  c              02 01  AF *190 G Phil...


 0008   1  000094  6-0   4-0   1-0   Y  c           02 02 02  AF *190 G Phil...


 0005   1  000104 *10-3  4-0   1-0   N      i01  03    02 01  AF  661 W Scie...




14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Detail) Costing                    Page 4


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.



                       Department(Sci   ) Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed           4         4      ----    ----



          02 Standard                 4         4      4.00   16.00



          AF                          4         4      0.00    0.00



          No Trim                     3         3      1.00    3.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    2         2      0.90    1.80

          Volumes With Call           3         3      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            2         2      0.75    1.50

          Volumes With Imprints       1         1      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         1         1      1.00    1.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    2         2      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines     4         4      0.50    2.00

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    1         1      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     2         2      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       1         1      0.50    0.50

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       2         2      0.20    0.40

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      2         2      0.10    0.20



           0 TT-TATTLETAPE            4         4      2.00    8.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                          34.40



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Detail) Costing                    Page 5


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.



                             Lot Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed          12        22      ----    ----



          01 Custom                   4        14      5.00   70.00

          02 Standard                 8         8      4.00   32.00



          AF                          9        10      0.00    0.00

          AR                          1         1      2.00    2.00

          OR                          2        11      3.00   33.00



          No Trim                     9        19      1.00   19.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    5        14      0.90   12.60

          Volumes With Call           9        18      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            7        16      0.75   12.00

          Volumes With Imprints       3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         3         4      1.00    4.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    6         7      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines    12        15      0.50    7.50

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     5         6      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

              7-1/8   to  8-0/8       1        10      0.20    2.00

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       4         5      0.50    2.50

             11-1/8   to 12-0/8       1         1      0.60    0.60

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       5         6      0.20    1.20

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      7        17      0.10    1.70



           0 TT-TATTLETAPE            4         4      2.00    8.00

           0 PM-POCKET MUSIC          1        10      1.00   10.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                         218.10






                                      Figure 2



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Detail) Costing                    Page 1


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.




 Item Set  Title  Hght  Width Spine  T  CEx IEx  Hx Vx Cl Ct  Lf  Cvr F Text


 0001   1  000001 *11-1  4-0   1-0   Y  c               01 02  OR  661 W Amer...

 0003  10  000029 *7-1   3-8  *1-10  N  c01             01 01  OR *190 G Amer...


 0004   1  000020 *10-6  4-0  *2-0   N  c02      01     01 02  AR  661 W Euro...

 0002   2  000103 *10-2 *5-1  *1-10  N      i01  03 *01 01 02  AF  661 W Scie...

 0006   1  000105  5-0  *5-2  *1-2   N  c02      01     02 01  AF  661 W Euro...


 0010   1  000105  5-0  *5-2  *1-2   N  c02      01     02 01  AF  661 W Euro...

 0007   1  000201  6-0  *6-0  *2-0   N  c               02 01  AF *190 G Phil...


 0008   1  000094  6-0   4-0   1-0   Y  c            02 02 02  AF *190 G Phil...


 0011   1  000201  6-0  *6-0  *2-0   N  c               02 01  AF *190 G Phil...

 0012   1  000094  6-0   4-0   1-0   Y  c            02 02 02  AF *190 G Phil...

 0005   1  000104 *10-3  4-0   1-0   N      i01  03     02 01  AF  661 W Scie...


 0009   1  000104 *10-3  4-0   1-0   N      i01  03     02 01  AF  661 W Scie...



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Detail) Costing                    Page 2


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.



                             Lot Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed          12        22      ----    ----



          01 Custom                   4        14      5.00   70.00

          02 Standard                 8         8      4.00   32.00



          A  Adhesive                10        11      2.00    2.00

          O  Over                     2        11      3.00   33.00


          Number Flat                 9        10      ----    ----

          Number Round                3        12      ----    ----



          No Trim                     9        19      1.00   19.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    5        14      0.90   12.60

          Volumes With Call           9        18      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            7        16      0.75   12.00

          Volumes With Imprints       3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         3         4      1.00    4.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    6         7      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines    12        15      0.50    7.50

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     5         6      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

              7-1/8   to  8-0/8       1        10      0.20    2.00

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       4         5      0.50    2.50

             11-1/8   to 12-0/8       1         1      0.60    0.60

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       5         6      0.20    1.20

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      7        17      0.10    1.70



           0 TT-TATTLETAPE            4         4      2.00    8.00

           0 PM-POCKET MUSIC          1        10      1.00   10.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                         218.10




                                Figure 3



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Summary) Costing                   Page 1


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.



                       Department(Music ) Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed           8        18      ----    ----



          01 Custom                   4        14      5.00   70.00

          02 Standard                 4         4      4.00   16.00



          AF                          5         6      0.00    0.00

          AR                          1         1      2.00    2.00

          OR                          2        11      3.00   33.00



          No Trim                     6        16      1.00   16.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    3        12      0.90   10.80

          Volumes With Call           6        15      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            5        14      0.75   10.50

          Volumes With Imprints       2         3      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         2         3      1.00    3.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    4         5      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines     8        11      0.50    5.50

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    2         3      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     3         4      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

              7-1/8   to  8-0/8       1        10      0.20    2.00

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       3         4      0.50    2.00

             11-1/8   to 12-0/8       1         1      0.60    0.60

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       3         4      0.20    0.80

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      5        15      0.10    1.50



           0 PM-POCKET MUSIC          1        10      1.00   10.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                         183.70



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Summary) Costing                   Page 2


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.



                       Department(Sci   ) Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed           4         4      ----    ----



          02 Standard                 4         4      4.00   16.00



          AF                          4         4      0.00    0.00



          No Trim                     3         3      1.00    3.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    2         2      0.90    1.80

          Volumes With Call           3         3      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            2         2      0.75    1.50

          Volumes With Imprints       1         1      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         1         1      1.00    1.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    2         2      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines     4         4      0.50    2.00

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    1         1      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     2         2      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       1         1      0.50    0.50

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       2         2      0.20    0.40

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      2         2      0.10    0.20



           0 TT-TATTLETAPE            4         4      2.00    8.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                          34.40



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Summary) Costing                   Page 3


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.



                             Lot Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed          12        22      ----    ----



          01 Custom                   4        14      5.00   70.00

          02 Standard                 8         8      4.00   32.00



          AF                          9        10      0.00    0.00

          AR                          1         1      2.00    2.00

          OR                          2        11      3.00   33.00



          No Trim                     9        19      1.00   19.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    5        14      0.90   12.60

          Volumes With Call           9        18      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            7        16      0.75   12.00

          Volumes With Imprints       3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         3         4      1.00    4.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    6         7      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines    12        15      0.50    7.50

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     5         6      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

              7-1/8   to  8-0/8       1        10      0.20    2.00

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       4         5      0.50    2.50

             11-1/8   to 12-0/8       1         1      0.60    0.60

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       5         6      0.20    1.20

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      7        17      0.10    1.70



           0 TT-TATTLETAPE            4         4      2.00    8.00

           0 PM-POCKET MUSIC          1        10      1.00   10.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                         218.10




                                Figure 4



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot (Summary) Costing                   Page 1


Lot ID: 03-14-90                         Account: ABLE     ABLE by Mekatronics

                                          Binder: MEK      Mekatronics Inc.


                             Lot Costing Summary


                                    Item      Set      Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Total    Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed          12        22      ----    ----



          01 Custom                   4        14      5.00   70.00

          02 Standard                 8         8      4.00   32.00



          A  Adhesive                10        11      2.00    2.00

          O  Over                     2        11      3.00   33.00


          Number Flat                 9        10      ----    ----

          Number Round                3        12      ----    ----



          No Trim                     9        19      1.00   19.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color    5        14      0.90   12.60

          Volumes With Call           9        18      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines            7        16      0.75   12.00

          Volumes With Imprints       3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         3         4      1.00    4.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    6         7      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines    12        15      0.50    7.50

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    3         4      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     5         6      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

              7-1/8   to  8-0/8       1        10      0.20    2.00

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       4         5      0.50    2.50

             11-1/8   to 12-0/8       1         1      0.60    0.60

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       5         6      0.20    1.20

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16      7        17      0.10    1.70



           0 TT-TATTLETAPE            4         4      2.00    8.00

           0 PM-POCKET MUSIC          1        10      1.00   10.00


           0 minutes extra time


        GRAND TOTAL:                                         218.10




                                Figure 5



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot Binding Statistics                  Page 1


Lot ID: 03-14-90                                            Account: ABLE

                                                             Binder: MEK




                          Department Costing Summary


                                    Volume    Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed          18       ----    ----



          01 Custom                  14       5.00   70.00

          02 Standard                 4       4.00   16.00



          AF                          6       0.00    0.00

          AR                          1       2.00    2.00

          OR                         11       3.00   33.00



          No Trim                    16       1.00   16.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color   12       0.90   10.80

          Volumes With Call          15       0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines           14       0.75   10.50

          Volumes With Imprints       3       0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines         3       1.00    3.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.    5       0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines    11       0.50    5.50

          Volumes With Extra Vert.    3       0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines     4       0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

              7-1/8   to  8-0/8      10       0.20    2.00

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8       4       0.50    2.00

             11-1/8   to 12-0/8       1       0.60    0.60

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8       4       0.20    0.80

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16     15       0.10    1.50



           0 PM-POCKET MUSIC         10       1.00   10.00


           0 minutes extra time


        MANUAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR    ---       ----    0.00


        GRAND TOTAL:                                183.70


14-Mar-1990             Library Lot Binding Statistics                  Page 2


Lot ID: 03-14-90                                            Account: ABLE

                                                             Binder: MEK




                          Department Costing Summary


                                   Volume     Unit    Est.

                                    Total     Cost    Cost



          Volumes Processed            4      ----    ----



          02 Standard                  4      4.00   16.00



          AF                           4      0.00    0.00



          No Trim                      3      1.00    3.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color     2      0.90    1.80

          Volumes With Call            3      0.00    0.00

          Extra Call Lines             2      0.75    1.50

          Volumes With Imprints        1      0.00    0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines          1      1.00    1.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz.     2      0.00    0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines      4      0.50    2.00

          Volumes With Extra Vert.     1      0.00    0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines      2      0.00    0.00



          Board Height (6-0/8)

             10-1/8   to 11-0/8        1      0.50    0.50

          Board Width  (4-0/8)

              5-1/8   to  6-0/8        2      0.20    0.40

          Spine Width  (1-0/16)

              1-1/16  tp  2-0/16       2      0.10    0.20



           0 TT-TATTLETAPE             4      2.00    8.00


           0 minutes extra time


        MANUAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR     ---      ----    0.00


        GRAND TOTAL:                                 34.40



14-Mar-1990             Library Lot Binding Statistics                  Page 3


Lot ID: 03-14-90                                                  Binder: MEK



                             Lot Binding Summary


Department: MUSIC


    Class       Volume     Base        Extra       Total       Average


    01 Custom       14      70.00       60.00       130.00       9.28

    02 Standard      4      16.00       37.70        53.70      13.42


    TOTAL           18      86.00       97.70       183.70      10.20



Department: SCIENCE


    Class       Volume     Base        Extra       Total       Average


    02 Standard      4      16.00       18.40       34.40       8.60


    TOTAL            4      16.00       18.40       34.40       8.60




                                Figure 6



14-Mar-1990        Library Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics          Page 1


Account: ABLE                                                Month: April 1990

Binder : MEK




                        Department Costing Summary


                                        Volume        Act.

                                        Total         Cost



          Volumes Processed                18        ----



          01 Custom                        14        70.00

          02 Standard                       4        16.00



          AF                                4         0.00

          OR                               14        11.00



          No Trim                          16        16.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color         12        10.80

          Volumes With Call                15         0.00

          Extra Call Lines                 14        10.50

          Volumes With Imprints             3         0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines               5         3.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz. Text     3         0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines          11         3.75

          Volumes With Extra Vert. Text     2         0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines           4         0.00



          Over Board Height (6-0/8)        14         4.60

          Over Board Width  (4-0/8)         2         0.80

          Over Spine Width  (1-0/16)       13         1.50


        EXTRA/SPECIALS:     Minutes

          PM-POCKET MUSIC         0        33        30.00


        MANUAL ADUSTMENT FACTOR           ---         0.00


        GRAND TOTAL:                                177.95



14-Mar-1990        Library Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics          Page 2


Account: ABLE                                                Month: April 1990

Binder : MEK




                        Department Costing Summary


                                        Volume        Act.

                                        Total         Cost



          Volumes Processed                 4        ----



          02 Standard                       4        16.00



          AF                                4         0.00



          No Trim                           3         3.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color          2         1.80

          Volumes With Call                 3         0.00

          Extra Call Lines                  2         1.50

          Volumes With Imprints             1         0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines               1         1.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz. Text     2         0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines           4         2.00

          Volumes With Extra Vert. Text     1         0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines           2         0.00



          Over Board Height (6-0/8)         1         0.50

          Over Board Width  (4-0/8)         2         0.40

          Over Spine Width  (1-0/16)        2         0.20


        EXTRA/SPECIALS:     Minutes

          TT-TATTLETAPE           0        18        28.00


        MANUAL ADUSTMENT FACTOR           ---         0.00


        GRAND TOTAL:                                 54.40



14-Mar-1990        Library Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics          Page 3


Account: ABLE                                                Month: April 1990

Binder : MEK


                        Monthly Binding Summary


Deparment: MUSIC


                    MONTHLY COSTS      |      YEAR-TO-DATE COSTS

Class   Vol. Base  Extra  Total   Avg. |Vol. Base   Extra  Total  Avg.


01 Cust  14  70.00  60.00 130.00   9.28| 28  140.00 170.00 310.00 11.07

02 Stan   4  16.00  31.95  47.95  11.98|  4   16.00  64.45  80.45 20.11


TOTAL:   18  86.00  91.95 177.95   9.88| 32  156.00 234.45 390.45 12.20


Deparment: SCIENCE


                    MONTHLY COSTS      |      YEAR-TO-DATE COSTS

Class   Vol. Base  Extra  Total   Avg. |Vol. Base   Extra  Total  Avg.


02 Stan   4  16.00  38.40  54.40  13.60|  4   16.00  38.40  44.40 11.60


TOTAL:    4  16.00  38.40  54.40  13.60|  4   16.00  38.40  44.40 11.60




                                Figure 7



14-Mar-1990        Bindery Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics          Page 1


Account: ABLE                                                Month: April 1990


                        Account Detail Monthly Binding


                                        Volume        Act.

                                        Total         Cost



          Volumes Processed                18        ----



          01 Custom                        14        70.00

          02 Standard                       4        16.00



          AF                                4         0.00

          OR                               14        11.00



          No Trim                          16        16.00

          Non-Standard Cover Color         12        10.80

          Volumes With Call                15         0.00

          Extra Call Lines                 14        10.50

          Volumes With Imprints             3         0.00

          Extra Imprint Lines               3         3.00

          Volumes With Extra Horz. Text     5         0.00

          Extra Horz. Title Lines          11         3.75

          Volumes With Extra Vert. Text     2         0.00

          Extra Vert. Title Lines           4         0.00



          Over Board Height (6-0/8)        15         4.60

          Over Board Width  (4-0/8)         4         0.80

          Over Spine Width  (1-0/16)       15         1.50


        EXTRA/SPECIALS:      Minutes

          PM-POCKET MUSIC         10       33        30.00


        MANUAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR          ---         0.00


        GRAND TOTAL:                                177.95


                         Account Binding Summary



Class   Vol. Base  Extra  Total   Avg. |Vol. Base   Extra  Total  Avg.


01 Cust  14  70.00  60.00 130.00   9.28| 40 200.00 100.00 300.00  7.50

02 Stan   4  16.00  31.95  47.95  11.98| 24  96.00  75.00 171.00  7.12


TOTAL    18  86.00  91.95 177.95   9.88| 64 296.00 175.00 471.00  9.46




                                    Figure 8


14-Mar-1990        Library Monthly (Summary) Binding Statistics         Page 1


Binder: MEK                                                  Month: April 1990


                        Monthly Binding Summary


Deparment: MUSIC


                    MONTHLY COSTS      |      YEAR-TO-DATE COSTS

Class   Vol. Base  Extra  Total   Avg. |Vol. Base   Extra  Total  Avg.


01 Cust  14  70.00  60.00 130.00   9.28| 28  140.00 170.00 310.00 11.07

02 Stan   4  16.00  31.95  47.95  11.98|  4   16.00  64.45  80.45 20.11


TOTAL:   18  86.00  91.95 177.95   9.88| 32  156.00 234.45 390.45 12.20


Deparment: SCIENCE


                    MONTHLY COSTS      |      YEAR-TO-DATE COSTS

Class   Vol. Base  Extra  Total   Avg. |Vol. Base   Extra  Total  Avg.


02 Stan   4  16.00  38.40  54.40  13.60|  4   16.00  38.40  54.40 13.60


TOTAL:    4  16.00  38.40  54.40  13.60|  4   16.00  38.40  54.40 13.60


                                    Figure 9


14-Mar-1990        Bindery Monthly (Detail) Binding Statistics          Page 1


Account: ABLE                                                Month: April 1990


                         Account Binding Summary



Class   Vol. Base  Extra  Total   Avg. |Vol. Base   Extra  Total  Avg.


01 Cust  14  70.00  60.00 130.00   9.28| 40 200.00 100.00 300.00  7.50

02 Stan   4  16.00  31.95  47.95  11.98| 24  96.00  75.00 171.00  7.12


TOTAL    18  86.00  91.95 177.95   9.88| 64 296.00 175.00 471.00  9.46